Interview with KP Phagnasay

By Cadence Allen

Mr. KP Phagnasay visited Fresno High School on September 1 at 11:30 am. The interview hosted by Warrior Entertainment took place in Royce Hall where Film and Multimedia students got the opportunity to listen in as Mr. Phagnasay was asked questions about his upbringing and film career.

He starred in the Netflix series, Dahmer, and is currently working on coproducing Amazon’s The Interview with a Vampire. Mr. Phagnasay shared how his success was still prominent even though he’s from Fresno. He also stated the importance of taking advantage of those small roles for every opportunity is crucial to success. This was significant for the inspiration of the film students, showing that they too can make an impact in the film industry.

“Having KP here to talk to FHS students was a great experience. We hope to continue the guest speaker series with more people from the film industry. This was an all student ran event from the planning to the production. It was an impressive event,” stated by Marco Tovar, IB Film teacher at FHS,

Mr. KP Phagnasay shares his experience as a film maker.

Auditions For the Fall Play

by Adeline Townsend

Cast List of the fall production of Who dun it.. and to Whom.

Fresno High School’s fall play of 2023 is Who dun it... and to Whom? By Robert Frankel. It tells the story of Harold Finnegan, a timid husband and carpet-salesman who moonlights as a playwright, as he tries to write the best play he’s written! When the figments of his imagination start to imagine themselves in a better story. 

Auditions were held on September 12 and 13 with a record turnout since the COVID Lockdown. The lockdown and subsequent recovery gutted the previous theatre productions, leaving them with an average of 15-17 people auditioning each time. This year, 38 people auditioned, more than double the previous two years. Even though before COVID, the number of auditions numbered anywhere between 30-50 people, this number of auditions shows that theatre is coming back to full strength.  

“It was great having so many come and try out. A lot of the students were auditioning for their very first play. Most of the students, including a majority of those cast, are underclassmen, whereas in the past we've usually had a majority of seniors or juniors,” confided Mrs. Julie Pullinger, Theater Teacher and Director of Who dun it... and to Whom? 

As the resident voice for the Theater program: Audition! If you weren’t cast for this play, that doesn’t mean you won’t get cast in the next. There is no harm in trying out something new. 

Cast and Crew of the fall production of Who dun it… and to Whom.

As a voice for the Theater program: Try out! Audition! If you weren’t cast for this play, that doesn’t mean you won’t get cast in the next. There is no harm in trying out something new. 


Fresno Fun Facts

by Kiana Jones

Here are a few fun facts about the Fresno community that could improve your day or perception of Fresno. Be in the know of all the little details of this community. Events, places, and fun little occurrences that make Fresno a little more interesting and enjoyable.

  • Baskin’s Delicious 31

    On the 31st of every month, Baskin Robin’s discounts 31% off every purchase.

  • Fresno High’s Personal Popstar

    Cher attended Fresno High School before dropping out to pursue her music career.

  • Seven Eleven Day

    Once a year on July 11th, 7-11 gives free small Slurpee’s for seven eleven day. 

  • Birthday Freebies

    If signed up, birthday gifts can be granted. As a birthday gift Bare Minerals will give you a free full size item, Starbucks will give a free item, Jersey Mike’s , free sub and drink, Morphe will give 20% off, Elf Cosmetics will supply you with a free gift email, and Bath and Body Works will gift a free item.

  • Fashion Fair

    Fashion Fair Mall is the largest indoor shopping mall across the West Coast.

  • A Century Worth Waiting

    Outside the exit of the Fashion Fair Mall, Forever 21, a time capsule has been planted in the cement since June 1970 and is due to be opened in June of 2070. 

  • Quantity and Quality

    Fresno is the 5th largest city in California and is known as the Raisin Capital of the World.

  • Fresno Station

    Fresno Station is the original name of Fresno due to the station near Easterby’s which was established by The Central Pacific Railroad in 1872, which evolved into Fresno Station, and later to be known as Fresno. 

  • Fresno’s First Home

    The first home of Fresno was built in 1872 and owned by George Mcullough, a pioneer luberman. 

  • Ash Tree

    The word “Fresno” in Spanish means ash tree. 

  • Abandoned Hospital

    The abandoned hospital on Huntington by Roosevelt High was the original Fresno Community Hospital until it was replaced by the renovated Fresno Community in Downtown Fresno. The abandoned hospital is being sold for six million dollars.

  • Ageing McDonald’s

    The McDonald’s on Blackstone and Sheilds is the oldest in Fresno. 

  • Diversity

    There are about 100 different nationalities within the 544,510 population of Fresno.

  • Agriculture

    Fresno is known for its agriculture, mainly the growth and production of almonds, grapes, raison pistachios, poultry, garlic, and many more.

  • Annual Woodward Festival

    Woodward annually, every summer, puts on free performances of William Shakespeare’s plays.

  • Go Grizzlies!

    Fresno has its own personal minor league baseball team, the Fresno Grizzlies. The stadium is located in Downtown Fresno.

  • Tower Theatre

    Built in 1939, the theatre downtown is now a landmark. Tower Theatre continues to keep the city’s architectural heritage alive by showcasing a variety of films and live performances.

  • Shinzen Friendship Garden

    The Shinzen Friendship Garden in Woodward park demonstrates traditional Japanese architecture, landscaped gardens and water features leaving guests with an extremely calm and serene environment.

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