Senior Royalty
by Emely Mendoza
Congratulations to ASB president, Jiovanni Ordonez on winning Senior Homecoming Royalty. Jiovanni is 17 years old. This active member of Class of 2024 is involved in ASB Leadership, Class of 2024, Baseball, Senate, and reading to the future. His hobbies are golf, exercising, hanging out with family, and eating a lot of food. He was nominated by the Class of 2024 and was escorted by his mom and his brother at the Hoco event. “I was happy and super blessed, and honored," he explained.
Congratulations to 16-year-old Adrian Alonso for being voted one half of the 2023 Homecoming Senior Royalty. This active member of the Class of 2024 is involved with football, baseball, Latino Interact Club, and the Class of 2024 Club. In his spare time, Adrian enjoys working out. Adrian was nominated by Wilem Salkin and escorted by his mom at the event. “I was excited and happy that someone nominated me,” said the newly crowned Royalty.
Freshman Royalty
by Levi Gagliano
The Homecoming Underclassmen Royalty were honored between the JV and Varsity games on September 8, 2023. Freshman, Sophomores, and Junior all took to the field with their escorts.
Brittney Thomas
by Levi Gagliano
The two frosh winners were Brittney Thomas, and Angelina Zepeda. Brittney, who is 14, is involved in Drama Club and Black Student Union. She was nominated by her friends “Bug, Naomi, and Rinah.” She likes to draw and swim. Her mom escorted her, and she was happy as well as surprised to being voted on for royalty.
Sophomore Royalty
Lalia Castro
by Elizabeth Hernandez
by Elizabeth Hernandez
The 2023 Sophomore Royalty for the Class of 2026 winner is ...... Lalia Castro! On September 8, at the McLane Stadium, this year the underclassmen were announced between the JV and Varsity games and Lalia Castro was announced as the winner of Fresno High’s Homecoming Royalty for the Class of 2026. Lalia is 15 years old and is a sophomore at Fresno High School.
She was born on December 2 and will be turning 16 in a couple of months. Lalia is currently not involved in any clubs but is trying to get more involved in school activities this school year. Her hobbies are baking, listening to music and reading. During her free time, she likes to watch movies and relax. A fun fact about Lalia is that she always cries watching Toy Story 4 no matter what.
Lalia decided to run for underclassman royalty because she thought it would be a good way to get a little involved with school. Her escort to the Homecoming game was her father. When Lalia found out she had won royalty for the class of 2026 she was very shocked and excited. Lalia mentioned that she felt liked the whole parade was very entertaining and that the event was a super fun experience. This event was her first time being involved in a school activity and she had lots of fun overall. Lalia said, “The event was very fun and exciting, I also enjoyed my time at the event.”
Angelina Zepeda
by Levi Gagliano
The other ninth grade winner was Angelina Zepeda. She is also 14 and is involved with the Senate Club and Cheer. She doesn’t know who she was nominated by, but she likes to shop and play sports. Her friend Giselle G. Mendoza escorted her. She was very surprised by the nomination and the win.
Junior Royalty
Vanitey Castro
by Elizabeth Hernandez
On September 8, at the McLane Stadium, this year the underclassmen Royalty were announced between the JV and Varsity games. Vanitey Castro was announced as one of the Class of 2025 winners. Vanitey is 16 years old and is a junior at Fresno High School.
Vanitey joined Cheer this year and is part of the JV Cheer team. During her free time, Vanitey likes to play around with makeup, trying different products as well as different looks. A fun fact about Vanitey is that she likes to try new styles. Vanitey mentioned the reason she ran for Homecoming Royalty was because, when she was little, she would always watch and see on movies how the characters run for royalty, and it motivated her to run for Junior Royalty since she wanted to experience how it was. Vanitey was nominated by her Cheer team. Her mother escorted her to the special event. Vanitey said, “I thought that I wasn’t really going to win but when they called my name, I was really happy and felt really special.”
Vanitey Castro is on the right.