How often are you tardy and how will the new tardy policy affect you?
by Maya Tafolla and Mai Pader Vang
Maria Andrade (12)
“I am tardy around twice a month. I think the new policy won't affect me at all because I get straight to class to get them grades.”
Demecia Estrada (11)
“I am tardy like once a day, but it's always during third period. For the new policy I should probably be on time and manage my time better so that I don’t get into trouble.”
Andrew Her (10)
“I am never tardy to class. It won't affect me because I get to my classes on time, and I am a good kid in general.”
Ms. Orgill (Staff)
“The tardy policy will have no effect on me personally. I only have one class, which is first period. The students getting to school on time during first period is out of their control.”
Lily Holliday and Lizzette Saavedra (9)
“We are tardy like once a week because our classes are far from each other. It will probably affect us a lot because it is like they expect us to run when our next class is across the campus.”