Dear Wise Old Owl
The Wise Old Owl likes to remain anonymous, but all questions are taken seriously. If you have a question, bring it to Ms. Sciacqua in N201, drop it into her main office mailbox, chat or email the info to her at: or contact us through our Instagram Letters should NOT be signed with a real name.
Dear Wise Old Owl,
So, I have a good friend, and we have a lot in common like our love for Arcane, JoJo, fashion, and David Bowie. We hang out a lot and go places together and it makes me really happy. Here’s the problem that is starting to get on my nerves. Everyone thinks that just because we are both lesbian that we are dating. We’re not. Dating “Emma” would be like dating my sister, just ew, no.
Again, I love spending time with Emma, but I would also like to be in a romantic relationship just NOT with Emma. How do I get others to realize there is nothing but friendship going on between us and that I am open to going out with a romantic partner?
Find Me Someone to Love
Dear Find Me Someone to Love,
Let’s start with the fact that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about who you choose to spend time with.
To be clear, are you sure Emma doesn’t think you are in a romantic relationship? If there is even a small doubt, you are leading her on.
With that being said, it’s time to break out of your comfort zone and make yourself available to other people besides Emma. Make sure you let Emma know that she has done nothing wrong, and you still value your time with her, but you are looking for a romantic relationship. Maybe Emma is even feeling the same way.
Here are a few things to try.
1) Posting selfies without Emma.
2) Be unapologetically yourself.
3) Don’t be afraid to get rejected.
4) Have a friend make an introduction to someone you find interesting.
If these don’t work, be blunt and post on social media that you and Emma are not a romantic couple and you’re looking for Miss Right.
Hope this helps,