Features Overview


UC Davis, what a trip!

By Corina Lopez

On September 12, 2024, the Talent Search Program invited over 50 Fresno High students to attend their UC Davis campus tour. Once the charter bus had arrived at the campus, students were warmly welcomed with a presentation from a UC Davis representative speaker. UC Davis representative Joe Lee spoke about college applications and stated, “UCs want to know who you are and how you fit into the environment.” This advice was useful to seniors attending the trip.  

Topics discussed included things like admission deadlines, different colleges within the campus, clubs, campus culture, and popular career paths. The tour included key points on campus such as the student employed cafes, dining hall, student store, performing arts center, and more.  

Students were provided with lunch from their dining hall which they really liked due to the buffet style layout. After lunch, students were given a chance to visit the student store to purchase snacks or souvenirs. Trip leaders directed students to their bus shortly after. After this visit, many of these students are considering applying to UC Davis. 


New CART Rules

By: Julianna Kirk

There are new restrictions for CART students. On September 3, 2024, Fresno High made some changes regarding getting to school safely and in a timely manner. Some students prefer to drive to and from school, and there’s no issue with that. However, students are known to make pit-stops before arriving at school, making them late for their next class.

Since Fresno Unified is responsible for the entirety of its students, a new rule was created by our admin, students cannot bring outside foods or drinks during the departure and arrival between campuses. Vice principal Mrs. Gonzales says, “It’s important for us to keep track of where all of our students are during the day, whether or not the students are happy about our rule, it’s necessary.” Admin is strict with this rule to make sure we get back to school safely, on time, and ready to continue our learning.

North side English building bathrooms are open

By Ashton L.

Since last year, the New North Side bathrooms have been closed, but recently they reopened during the second week of the 2024-25 school year. They had been closed due to inappropriate actions made by students and not enough manpower to monitor the bathrooms. Recently, the district was to offer a budget that finally allowed FHS to hire more CAs.  

 With the bathrooms now open for convenience, students are wondering if this is a permanent thing. The answer is vague, and all depends on the funding that enables staff to monitor the bathrooms. CA Robert is the primary bathroom monitor; he is there 85-90% of the time. “My purpose right now is to monitor the bathrooms up here and make sure the students get in and out without wasting too much education time,” he shared.