Get to know the population of Fresno High through interviews of students and staff.


Meet the Staff

Mrs. Alycia Gonzalez

by Jessenia Varela-Gomez

“I'm excited to be here” says Vice Principal Alycia Gonzalez.  

Alycia Gonzalez is one of Fresno Highs newest vice principals. Mrs. Gonzalez was born in Blyth, California and grew up always wanting to be a teacher. Her biggest inspiration for teaching was her own kindergarten teacher who she loved.  She attended Fresno State where she received her bachelor's degree. She moved around a lot following her then boyfriend, now husband but eventually came back to Fresno where she attended online classes to get her teaching credentials. She ultimately received her master's from National University online as it was easier for her while she was working full time. While studying she majored in History with a minor in English. Originally, she wanted to study business and was enrolled but the business major was canceled. When she went back to school, she was already a mom of two, so she needed easy classes, and she had always loved English.  

She wasn't always at Fresno High but started her teaching career at Kerman Middle school and she was there from 2011 till 2012. She then taught freshman English at Reedley High, and she was there from 2013 till 2015. She then taught at her old high school of Hanford West where she was the first returning student to teach on the campus and she was there from 2015 till 2018. Then from 2018 till 2024 she was an instructional coach at Roosevelt High School. She is now, as of 2024, working here at Fresno High   

When asked about her best qualities she said her curiosity was a big one. She loves to learn and try and understand new things. She is self-driven and loves to cook and is very determined and persistent. Her favorite quote is “Procrastinate later.” When she has free time, she likes to read and cook. She loves fiction and novels but hates reading nonfiction. When she's cooking, she loves to make big elaborate recipes. 

 When asked about her biggest influence she said her dad and grandma as they both raised her. While her dad worked her grandma stepped up and helped to raise her. Her dad showed her how to travel and work yet still be a good parent for your kids and says her grandma was always her biggest supporter. In ten years, she hopes to be getting closer to retirement but could also see herself going back into the classroom as she misses the day to day with students. She is also super excited for the future with her kids as they will be much older. She hopes to one day travel to every continent but maybe not Antarctica.

New VP: Franciso Arciniega

By Levi Gagliano- Bingham

One of the new Vice Principals here on campus is Mr. Francisco Arciniega. He started working for Fresno High earlier this school year. This is his first year as a VP but not his first time working in education.

Born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, VP Arciniega originally wanted to work as a structural engineer, meaning he would manage blueprints for developing infrastructure. This led to his hobby of woodworking and creating furniture. He wishes that if he had more time in the world- he would create, full time. One of the things he currently does in his free time is playing video games like League of Ledges and Pokémon.

Mr. Arciniega also went to college. He went to Fresno City to work with interdisciplinary studies because it was better than general education in his opinion. It was more science oriented, which he really liked. After, he transferred to Fresno State and majored in Curriculum and Development, which earned him his masters.

 When he first started working as an educator, he worked at Jefferson K-6 for seven years, two years with pre- school kids and five years with elementary school. Afterwards, he worked at Terronez Middle School for another five years. Following that, he started working directly in the Fresno Unified District Office, helping develop curriculum and instruction for all FUSD. During that time, he had recently finished up his administrative credentials at San Diego State, which allowed him to work here at Fresno High as a vice principal. “I would say I am a pretty understanding person,” Mr. Arciniega shared. “Someone who is mellow and open minded.”