Insidious is a popular horror movie franchise that’s loved by many. The franchise has a total of five movies, but in my opinion the original two are the best. The first two films surround the possession of the Lambert family, specifically the father and son. The second film takes place before the first film, getting more backstory from the father to find out why they’re being haunted. The conflict in the first movie is how their oldest son falls into a paranormal coma, causing him to be stuck in the “further” dimension. Later, it’s revealed that the father had supernatural abilities, which he passed down to his son. The father had to be put into a trance to save his son’s soul from being taken from a demonic entity. When both awaken from their trance, things go somewhat back to normal, but what happened to dad?
On the journey back from the further, an evil entity that’s been after the father for years finally got him. The Black Bride managed to attach itself to the father. This demonic creature is strong and will stop at nothing until the Lambert family is no more. The possessed father goes on a rampage almost murdering his family whom he loves dearly. The only person who can help the father is his once possessed son. He ventures back to the “further” desperately searching for his father and once they rejoice, they must make their way back to the light without being ambushed by angry spirits.
The movie finishes with both the father and son’s memories being suppressed of the previous movie’s events in hopes no more supernatural occurrences happen to them. Over the course of the two movies, we see how much family impact has on bringing someone back to earth.