Features Overview
Student of the Month
by Jessenia Varela-Gomez
Once a month Fresno High runs a Student of the Month event to help recognize the students that go above and beyond by following the IB learner profile traits. The event is run by Mrs. Orgill and Mrs. Bangerter, every month they send a link to the teachers where they can choose a student who they believe has followed the IB learner profile trait of the month. They then collect the names of the students and plan a special treat for them. The only way to get chosen is if a teacher nominates you but they can nominate multiple students who take the initiative to do well and follow the warrior way. “Student of the month is a great opportunity to celebrate all of our students,” shared Ms. Orgill
For the month of January, the IB learner profile trait is Communicator. Teachers were told to choose a student who they believed showed excellent communication skills. The students are given a certificate and a treat. The treats change along with the IB Learner Profile traits every month. On Friday, January 31 these students celebrated with a Frito bowl. The event was set up by Mrs. Bangerter and her 4th period in IA6, the leadership room. The students formed a line outside where Mrs. Orgill was handing out certificates that displayed how well they had done with being a communicator. They then entered the leadership room where Mrs. Bangerter had boxes of Frito chips and warmers with nacho cheese and chili. The students had the option of Fritos with nacho cheese, chili, or both to reward them for their hard work.
One student was Kylah Pacheco who proudly posed for a picture holding up her certificate and her Frito Bowl. She was nominated by Mrs. Yelton-Curtis for demonstrating good discussion skills, engaging with her peers, contributing to class discussions, and encouraging other students to contribute their own ideas.
Feature 2
Phasellus sodales massa malesuada tellus fringilla, nec bibendum tellus blandit. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.
Feature 3
Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero.