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Winter Rally

by Ian Owdom Editor-in-Chief

On January 26, 2024, the Warriors kicked off the new year with a candy themed Winter Rally. The walls of Royce Hall were covered in candy posters, reflecting clubs and teams being showcased at the rally. This includes teams like Boys and Girls soccer, Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Ski Team, Rock Climbing Club, and Comp Cheer. Comp Cheer entertained the crowd with a complex routine, including lots of flips and other stunts.

Another aspect of the rally was the games organized. The first rally featured games such as a shooting contest in both soccer and basketball involving two players from each sport and a paper race up and down Royce Hall. The second rally included each of the games along with a scavenger hunt where multiple students across each grade would search for someone in the crowd with a specific requirement such as having four siblings.

The winners of the gumball guessing contest were announced at the rally, the number was 608 gumballs. Alan Rendon guessed 593. Finally, the rally was wrapped up with the Alma Mater lead by the Fresno High Band. “This was one of the best rallies yet, still room for improvement,” shared junior Jared Cisneros.


Awards Ceremony

by Joshua Butz

The Academic Awards ceremony is the first nighttime event held since Covid started in 2020. The ceremony started at 6:00 pm on January 17, 2024.  It took a while for the students and parents to get seated in the seats of Royce Hall, so the event did not start until 6:20 pm.  

Fresno High has never stopped handing out certificates to students who have earned Honor Roll, but the certificates were sent to students via the classroom. The Admin and the Counseling department decided it was time to restart the tradition of holding the Awards Ceremony in Royce Hall and to give families a chance to see their students succeed and get honored. 

There were three types of awards: Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and Principal’s Honor Roll. Students who 3.0 to 3.49 during the first semester earned Honor Roll. A grade point average of 3.5 to a 3.9 earned High Honor Roll, and a 4.0 or high earned Principal’s Honor Roll.  The students that had a 3.75 also received a Fresno High patch. 

The evening ceremony was arranged by the Counseling Department, head counselor Mrs. Seay, Principal Smith, the IB (International Baccalaureate) Coordinator Ms. Orgill and the CTE (Career Technical Education) Coordinator Ms. Shabazz. “The ceremony was something to get the students excited about and a chance to be recognized. This was also a way to make the students feel proud of themselves and be noticed that they worked hard,” explained Ms. Seay. She went on to share, “The Commitee was so pleased that so many parents and families came out because its hard-to-get parents to come to things.”