Little Big Pig Dress Up Days

by Daisy Alvarado


It all started on…

Monday, October 25. It was PJ Day and, although, it rained, there were a few students who participated. Many students said it felt nice to be able to wear jammies on a rainy day.  

Then on Tuesday it was Twin Day. The weather was sunny and it was full of silly and cute outfits.  

On Wednesday, Fresno High had their last Pink Out day of the month of October. A lot of students participated and a few even painted their faces to show awareness and school spirit.  

Thursday was Neon Day, not many students participated because neon seems to be less common. Although, there were not many participants, those who did dress in neon stood out.  

Lastly, Friday October 29 was Spirit Day. Cheerleaders wore their uniforms, and many students wore their free t-shirts the school gave. During lunch, Leadership held a small rally where cheerleaders performed, and band performed the Fight Song. Free popcorn and music.