Mr. Brown chats with Mrs. Seay at Club Expo.

Film Club

by Kailey Espinoza

Fresno High offers a variety of clubs. Each one appeals to different audiences, and all allows students to expand their horizons. Film Club allows students to get their hands on a camera and work on projects. This includes screening, editing, and watching movies.

Film Club meets every Friday at lunch and after school in the CTE building, room 208. Mr. Mahon Brown advises this group and is not afraid to show his enthusiasm. This organization is built upon a supportive environment where one can find people with similar interests in film.

This club is great for anyone who wants to experiment with cameras safely, of course. Film Club also participates and hosts the Fresno High Film Festival, an event held in May at Royce Hall that showcases student film-work. The filmmakers are awarded by place. Current member Alyssa Reyes offered encouraging words about the club. “People will always support your work.”

Co-Advisers Mrs. Sam Flores and Mr. Ryan Job support member of C/023 at Homecoming. This year’s skit- “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

Class of 2023

by Bella Garcia

If you are a senior, and you want to make the most of this last year of high school, you should consider joining Class of 2023 Club.  President Paris Lawson describes the club as a “mini-Leadership.” She went on to explain, “We coordinate 2023 graduate student functions!”  

 Last year, the group planned Prom. Already, they have organized Senior Sunrise. Meetings are held in N208 on Thursdays at lunchtime. This is Mr. Ryan Job’s room, the club’s adviser. Paris recommends that all students join their class clubs and become involved because it is a great way to have your voice heard and make a difference. 

The Latino Interact table got a lot of traffic at Club Expo.

Latino Interact Club

by Xylia Manriquez

Latino Interact Club is committed to help the community. They do a lot of fundraising and at Christmas, they help with toy giveaways. At the end of the school year, they hold a formal dance to give scholarships to seniors. The organization meets in S74, Senora Tovar’s room. Senora Tovar is the adviser, and you can often find her working the flattop and cooking up some delicious asada for tacos at one of their fundraiser events, like at the Homecoming Dance. Members encourage FHS students to join “because it's fun!”

Green thumb or not, all are welcome at the Gardening Club.

Gardening Club

by Jeremiah Gomez and Izzy Magee

In the Gardening Club, students learn how to plant fruit, vegetables, flowers, succulents, etc. The organization has a garden located out the back of the campus, but the club also does indoor gardening too. This year, Mrs. Thao will also be advising the group.Said club adviser Ms. Salzer, “It’s a fun way to get into nature and you can get free plants.” The group meets every Monday at lunch in S31.