A Message from Principal Laettner

The mask mandate for California schools ended officially on March 11, 2022 at !11;59 pm. Principal Laettner would like everyone to take a moment to watch this short video.

California Mask Mandate for Schools Ends


Mask Survey

by Matt Marquez

As of March 11, 2022, at 11:59 pm, Governor Davis repealed the mask mandate for public schools. Students will no longer be ordered to wear a mask, rather, they have the choice to continue to don the mask or remove it. The Owlet asked a select group of freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior classes to answer one simple question: Will you continue to wear a mask at school? Here are the results. 


Yes  81%  

No 12%  

Maybe 7% 

“Yes, even though they aren’t required, I don’t want to risk it because the virus isn’t fully gone.” 

“No, I hate masks.” 


Yes 74%  

No 26%  

“Yes, to keep myself, my family, and those around me healthy.” 

“Yes, we are still in the red zone unlike other states, and I prefer to be safe than sorry.” 


Yes 71%  

No 21%  

Maybe 8% 

“Yes, because my Madre said too and because I ain’t trying to get COVID.” 

“No, because masks are annoying to be wearing every day.” 


Yes 84%  

No 16%  

“Yes, I’m still not vaccinated.” 

“Yes, I feel that it is too early to remove the mask policy, so I will leave my mask on until I feel it’s safe.”