First Track Race of the Season
March 9, 2022 was my first track meet of the season for my senior year. I had two events to run. The 3200 (two mile) and the 1600 (one mile). For my first event was the 1600. I warmed up with my teammates who were also running it. Then we did drills to warm-up our bodies to prepare for the race and not pull a cramp or injure ourselves. I placed 6th in the mile and my time was 6:53.
After the race, we had to cool down so our bodies would not cramp up and become sore. I was done with my event so I went to go grab my camera so I could take pictures of the team while they were running. I took these pictures for my yearbook class because I needed them for my track page.
For my second event I did the two-mile, which was the longest on the track and it was boring and hot outside. There were four girls who ran in this event, but there were supposed to be two more. They did not race because they were injured. My teammate Dalia and I were the only ones from our group who competed in the two-mile. We both did our mile warm-up and came back and did drills. It was a fun experience going out there and running my two events and cheering for my teammates.
Ali Telles, Dalia Garcia, Matt Gonzalez, Ari Hernandez.