The Magician I
The Magician is a tarot card with diverse meanings, ranging from power, influence, and willpower to manipulation, greed, or unused ability. I have never pulled the Magician card. But if I had, I would be intrigued to see whether the outcome of pulling the card. Whether or not I would be put into a situation involving someone’s nasty manipulation tactics or gaining power over my own life. This card can vary from person to person, but one thing is for certain, pulling the Magician is like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, no pun intended. Since there are so many tricks up the Magician’s sleeve, you can never know what to expect.
A Magician must be cunning, sly, intelligent, and warry. However, they must be powerful and can influence the minds of those around them. This card could mean that someone or yourself is lacking concentration or not thinking clearly, which could affect the magic you make. The Magician is a mysterious figure hidden behind shadow, doubt, and trickery. If I pulled the Magician, my reaction would depend on the position of the card. If it was in the upright, I would be content and wait for the blessings to come my way. However, if it was in the reverse, I would recenter myself or isolate myself to prevent any lies or manipulation from entering my life.
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Examples of the Magician Card.