Owning a Cat

Cats are great if you want a low maintenance pet that sleeps all day. When it comes to taking care of their needs, cats barely need you to do anything other than cleaning their litter and putting food and water in their bowls. Cats also don’t need you to walk them like dogs do, they just sleep most of the day and do nothing. Even though cats are low maintenance, every cat is different in their own way.

I have a cat named Mochi and from personal experience, she does some interesting things. Every time her bowl is empty for even just a minute, she meows at me, she even taps me on my face when she wants more food in the middle of the night. Mochi always gets bored but is never satisfied with the toys that I get for her, so she finds fun in knocking things over in the middle of the night. Nothing that can be clawed is safe from mochi, many things have been sacrificed due to becoming a cat owner.

Owning a cat has its ups and downs, cats can be very affectionate at times when they want to, but they choose when they want your attention. Mochi for example, decides when she wants to sleep in my bed, if I put her on my bed myself, she will run away. While I sleep, she jumps on my bed in the middle of the night and she finds a way to take up all the space, even though she is way smaller, but she also gives me warmth in the winter. Even though mochi is very sassy, she allows me to pet her whenever I want, and she always comes back to me because I am her owner. 

Winter > Summer

In my opinion, the best time of the year is winter. For me, there are over 100 little things that make winter superior to summer. When it's cold, you can enjoy warmer drinks and food more than you can during the summer when it feels like you're in an oven. Another plus is that in the winter, you can wear comfy sweaters and better outfits without worrying about sweating. Yeah, you may get so cold that all you want to do is cuddle with a warm blanket, but you can still go out and do things if you wear sweaters and more layers. Unlike the winter, in summer you get sweaty by just standing out in the heat for too long without air conditioning.

Going outside is more enjoyable than in the summer when the air is hot, dry and moist. In the winter, the weather is cooler, and you can do more activities without feeling icky in your clothes. There is something about the air when you walk outside on an early winter morning that makes you feel good. Sometimes when the air is chilly, and the fog is thin and all you hear are the strong sounds of wind while people drive on their way to work. Occasionally, I will get the random urge to go on a walk because of how fresh and nice it is outside. Along with the cold, there is also the higher chance of rain which makes the atmosphere feel better.

Personally, I enjoy the holidays near winter way more than the holidays any other time of the year. During Christmas and Thanksgiving, you eat lots of delicious food and also get gifts that you have been waiting for the whole year. These are the few of many reasons why I love winter and the cold better than the heat in the summer.