I Finally Got It
COVID Positive.
Well, after two years of avoiding it (kind of), I’ve finally contracted COVID-19. It started this Sunday when I woke up with a slightly sore throat. I didn’t think much of it, I had already been vaccinated and it could have been my poor sleeping schedule or stress, and I went on with my day. But, by the end of the night, before I went to bed, the soreness hadn’t gone away and I realized that I would probably have to stay home from school on Monday. I woke up in worse condition, so I attended online and my mom picked up a rapid COVID test for me. After going through the process of swabbing my nose, the little COVID tester immediately showed one pink line and one blue line. That meant I was positive. I was put on a 10 day quarantine and relegated to an online student.
The troubles COVID has caused me are not too severe. On Monday I actually felt sick. I had a 100 °F fever and a sore throat. By the next day, my sore throat had abated and I had no fever. Writing this on Wednesday, I only have a slight dry cough and nothing else.
COVID had more effect on my school life. This is the week before a round of IB uploads, so the timing is particularly annoying. Also, we were supposed to have our IB art exhibition on the 17th, when I am still in quarantine. Luckily my teacher has rescheduled it, but it would have been simpler if I had just never gotten ill.
The COIVD Cough.
The upside is, I am now fully inoculated against COVID! Obviously my vaccine didn’t stop me from getting the virus, and its effect on the severity of the virus for me is unknown, but getting the virus provides stronger protection and less chance of reinfection compared to the vaccine. This study of over 90,000 Israelis is linked below, focusing on Pfizer (the vaccine I got) and the Delta variant when it was prominent last year.
It's only been three days and I’m almost fully recovered. I should be in school and back to normal by the 18th!